Hello, my name is Emily and welcome to my social theory blog! It is composed for my university Social Theory class. It incorporates many relevant concepts in which we have learned over the past semester. I hope you enjoy!

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world"
-Mahatma Gandi

Thursday 6 December 2012

"Out of the depths" and Ideology

I have recently finished reading a book called Out of the depths and it was one of the most challenging books I have ever tried to read. It is told by Issabell Knockwood about her challenges of going to the Aboriginal Residential School as a young child.

The aboriginal children at that school were sexual assaulted beaten and treated like animals. They were never allowed to speak their own language, the language that they were raised to speak. Everything about being an aboriginal was taken from them and replaced by strict rules and punishments. This made me think about the different ideologies we all have about the world. Those young aboriginal children were born and raised in their own culture and taught their own ways and meanings of life, but once they were placed in the residential school a new ideology was formed. Everything that they learned from their family now only seemed like the wrong ideological way and it mean punishment. It must have been so confusing mentally for those children having been born with the ideas of the world, only to learn that those ways were wrong. Their whole culture now seemed that it was the wrong way of acting. They were punished and beaten for any sign of their culture brought into the school. It is cruel to have to punish children for have more than one ideological way of viewing the world. There are so many people in today's societies that have multiply ways they view the world and see cultures and religion. It is acceptable to have many views, as it should have been for the aboriginal children. The priests and nuns in charge of the children seemed like selfish and horrible people. They took advantage of the young children and took away a part of their heritage; many which would never get back. Not only would the children be absent of their original culture, they are now scared for life with mental and physical problems.
Everyone is entitled to their own ideological views about how the world should act and be. That means that you are allowed to speak your own language and have a different religion, and no one should be able to take that away or change that about you.

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