Hello, my name is Emily and welcome to my social theory blog! It is composed for my university Social Theory class. It incorporates many relevant concepts in which we have learned over the past semester. I hope you enjoy!

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world"
-Mahatma Gandi

Monday 12 November 2012

Objectification of Woman


The way that women are portrayed in advertisements and television shows is very degrading. Women have to live up to certain standards such as flat stomachs, big breasts and perfect skin. We are constantly being shown images of these fake people over the span of our lives and those images are becoming the norm of how woman feel they should act and look. It has caused an abundance of self esteem problems for many girls, especially teenagers who are trying so hard to fit into their peer groups and feel accepted.

Easy A and Facebook

Facebook the Panopticon

           In today’s societies it seems that any person on this planet could have greater control within your life then yourself. The amount of strangers that know about our lives today is so great, and it is very easy for them to access. This reminded me of the scene in the movie "Easy A" when a teacher was able to hear things about students from Facebook.