Hello, my name is Emily and welcome to my social theory blog! It is composed for my university Social Theory class. It incorporates many relevant concepts in which we have learned over the past semester. I hope you enjoy!

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world"
-Mahatma Gandi

Thursday 6 December 2012

"Out of the depths" and Ideology

I have recently finished reading a book called Out of the depths and it was one of the most challenging books I have ever tried to read. It is told by Issabell Knockwood about her challenges of going to the Aboriginal Residential School as a young child.


Consumption has always been a regular and normal day to day action across our globe. From an early age you learn to buy and sell to make a living when you get older. Everyone is constantly exposed to ads almost every minute of everyday telling us to buy the best new things that come out. It is in human blood to consume and shop.